Animated Series

Unclean Hands

Welcome to the Unclean Hands Animated Series, a riveting tale of crime, corruption, and the resiliency of the human spirit. This potent animated series from Boyd Crest Animation tells the tale of investigative reporter Thomas Williams and his quest to learn the truth behind a senseless act of violence that shook his small Southern town. 

What makes the Unclean Hands Animated Series unique is its ability to engage with viewers of all ages and backgrounds. Through masterful animation and engaging storytelling, this series transcends traditional boundaries and offers a powerful, emotional experience that will leave audiences breathless. 

After a drive-by shooting caused the death of an innocent child during a youth softball game, investigative reporter Thomas Williams decides to use his contacts in the community to find and expose the people beyond the drugs and violence that plagues his small Southern town.

Thomas quickly enters a world of gangs, drugs, guns, and treachery to find out who’s really responsible for destroying his community. His findings will not only change Thomas' life but communities across the Southern United States of America.

Don't miss your chance to engage with the Unclean Hands Animated Series. Join Thomas Williams on his journey towards the truth and become a part of this powerful movement today.

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