The Daily Census Animated Series is a captivating crime thriller that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Boyd Crest Animation, a renowned Miami-based animation company, presents this unique series that features animation for all ages.
The series follows a gripping storyline that revolves around a spate of murders that take place at St. Mark's Baptist Hospital, causing the patient census to decline rapidly. With each episode, the plot thickens as detectives investigate the gruesome crimes and unravel dark secrets, jealousy, grudges, and power struggles.
This animated series is the perfect blend of entertainment and intrigue for both kids and adults alike. Its unique animation style sets it apart from other crime thrillers, making it an exceptional choice for those who love animation but also crave a good mystery.
As fans of crime thrillers, you simply can't afford to miss our Daily Census Animated Series. This series is a must-watch whether you're looking for a compelling storyline or just want to enjoy our distinctive animation style. With this series you can immerse yourself in the captivating world of St. Mark's Baptist Hospital.
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